Lets Make a Positive Change in Clay County
Elect Duane Legg, Clay County Commission

Hello! I’d like to introduce myself and ,give you an understanding of where I stand on issues involving Clay County.
My parents, Ken & Kathy Legg are from Indore, where they raised me and where I currently reside and am a 1993 graduate of Clay County High school. Growing up, I was taught to not be afraid of hard work and if you believe in something you will find a way to make it happen.
I attended Johnson & Wales University in Norfolk Virginia graduating in 2000 with a degree in Culinary Arts. I also have a degree from Virginia Tech in Business Management & New River CTC in Emergency Services.
In 2021, I opened Legacy Foods Market and Bakery with the expectation that it would be a small business I would be able to support myself; I never expected it to become a regional destination market.
I currently am the vice-president of the Clay County Business Development Authority, past President & current member of the West
Virginia Chapter of the American Culinary Federation, past President & member of the Collis P. Huntington Chapter of the National Railroad Historical Society. I am a certified Executive Chef, certified culinary sales professional, 2007 WV Chef of the Year recipient, and the very first Friend of ProStart award recipient by the WV Office of Hospitality & Tourism.
It is my belief that my more than 20 years of management experience working in hotels, private clubs and also corporate sales, will allow me to help grow Clay County. In additions to my corporate and management experience, I also have a strong back ground in Fire & EMS systems and feel it will beneficial while serving the residents of Clay County.
As a county, we are in a prime position to benefit from tourism. In 2022 tourism in WV was a multimillion dollar business statewide, a record year for the state. Clay Countians need help in dipping into this business as Clay County is in the heart of the Elk River. We have a new rail trail, soon to be rail bike attraction (projected to open summer of 2024) and the Elk River waterway.
Campgrounds, Airbnb, cabins and rooms to rent will all be in great demand. Bike, canoe, kayak and UTV rentals, riding trails will also be in demand. Gift shops, ice cream parlors and restaurants will all be sought out by the tourists and so much more.
We, as a county, need to establish a business incubator to help with the development of the above mentioned business and many others as well as a County and/or Regional Economic Development Authority to support the businesses and help attract tourists to Clay County.
Think of when you travel to beaches, Amish Country, Pigeon Forge or any of your favorite spots to visit, what are your favorite things to do there? Shop, eat, UTV rentals, boat rental, zip line, hike, bike? There is no reason why we can’t provide these types of things in Clay County!
I will work to help bring economic development, business assistance and business coaching to the county.
Clay Countians also deserve better Law Enforcement, Fire and EMS services. I will work hard to bring assistance to these agencies including getting additional funding that is needed and Clay County deserves.
Now, lets talk infrastructure. There are areas that have no potable water source and no reliable internet access, these will be a priority as well as cell phone service county wide.
I can go on and on, as to what this county needs and wants but it takes many people willing to make the change. If you would like to talk further please feel free to email me legg.duane@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing your questions and concerns and am always willing to have open discussion around those.
I am asking for your support in my bid to become a Clay County Commission member so that I may work for you to benefit Clay County.